2020 Winner of the OHC Cup
Talk about the true spirit of Oil Heat Cares – giving back. We can’t say enough about the many hours that are donated by individuals and companies or the dollars donated by many. But when it came time to select the winning chapter this year, it had to be Mid Atlantic.(Pictured left to right: Scott Vadino representing the South Jersey Chapter and Paul Cuprewich, Oil Heat Cares Treasurer)
They don’t just raise funds; they help those in need by the many projects they have taken on. Fundraising for 2020 has already begun!
Congratulations to Mid Atlantic!

2019 winner of the OHC Cup
Talk about the true spirit of Oil Heat Cares – giving back. We can’t say enough about the many hours that are donated by individuals and companies or the dollars donated by many. But when it came time to select the winning chapter this year, it had to be Mid Atlantic. (Pictured left to right: Ralph Adams representing the Mid Atlantic Chapter and Danny Gentile, President of the New Haven Chapter)
They don’t just raise funds; they help those in need by the many projects they have taken on. Fundraising for 2020 has already begun!
Congratulations to Mid Atlantic!
2018 winner of the OHC Cup

Talk about the true spirit of Oil Heat Cares – giving back. We can’t say enough about the many hours that are donated by individuals and companies or the dollars donated by many. But when it came time to select the winning chapter this year, it had to be New Haven. (Pictured left to right: Dave Bessette, OHC Chairman and Dan Gentile, President of the New Haven Chapter accepting the Cup.)
They don’t just raise funds; they help those in need by the many projects they have taken on. Fundraising for 2019 has already begun!
Congratulations to New Haven!
2017 winner of the OHC Cup

Talk about the true spirit of Oil Heat Cares – giving back. We can’t say enough about the many hours that are donated by individuals and companies or the dollars donated by many. But when it came time to select the winning chapter this year, it had to be Boston-Southeast. (Pictured left to right: Jason Mangos representing the Lehigh Valley Chapter, last year’s recipient of the OHC Cup, John Mullaley, President of the Boston-Southeast Chapter and Dave Bessette, OHC Chairman.)
They don’t just raise funds; they help those in need by the many projects they have taken on. Fundraising for 2018 has already begun!
Congratulations to Boston-Southeast!