Get Involved
Because of the money raised at our benefit Seminar Events and the Care to Ride Event, our treasury remains healthy. So if you identify a candidate that would benefit from an OHC installation, check out what it takes to get started. Please find the appropriate forms below.
Chapters are helping customers by getting involved in community projects, and spending time at food banks, women’s shelters, and more.
Volunteering for an installation can be fun and rewarding. Just ask someone who has participated in a project. Oil Heat Cares and our chapters make fundraising enjoyable and educational, and our volunteers know that raising money for a great cause is time well spent. Many of our chapters have earmarked events with proceeds going to Oil Heat Cares. For instance, the Garden State Chapter donates profits from their annual Night at the Races. Also, since OHC is a 501C-3, any donations are tax deductible!
If you are one of OESP’s “Virtual” members, a National Direct Member, you too can participate. Identify a need in your neighborhood, then complete the required paperwork and get started. If you are an OESP chapter and haven’t already done a project, it’s simple: just have some of your members make a commitment, then identify a candidate in your neighborhood.
Get Started

Policy and By Laws.
Read the Oilheat Cares policy and by laws.

Funds form and Waiver & Release form
Complete the Request for Funds form and the Waiver & Release form found below. Return the completed forms via fax, 908-967-5044, or email,

Publicize your efforts and our Industry
Once you are given approval and you’ve completed the project, you’ll now want to publicize your efforts and our Industry. It is actually easy to publicize your company’s efforts and gain recognition for the donated time and manpower of your employees. Local newspapers (and radio and TV) are eager to report on “good neighbor” activities. We’re here to help you get started. Open the Word document below and simply fill in the blanks. Either mail or e-mail the completed document, along with some supporting photos of the job, to your local paper. If you’re really energetic, phone your scheduled work date in advance to newspapers and local TV outlets. Just ask for the news desk when you call.