Oil Heat Cares Helps Cancer Patient Restore His Home Heat
The New Haven Chapter helped William Casey of Hamden, CT, last month with a vital Oil Heat Cares installation. He received a brand new boiler and indirect water heater, new circulators and new zone valves.
It was the perfect timing.
About a year ago, William Casey was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was being treated and was responding well. But after about a year, he went for another scan and found that the cancer had spread to his brain. Now he’s being treated for both. “He has a phenomenal will to live,” George Perrelli said. “I don’t know how he does it, but he is an amazing guy.”
William is registered as a long standing customer of Perrelli Fuel, but George said he had not been in the customer’s house in 28 years.
“When he called with the problem, we checked the records and found that no one here had serviced the house in four years, and I didn’t understand why,” George said. “But then I realized when I went to the house and spoke to William that it was due to his illness. The medical bills had piled up and finances became difficult. My wheels were already turning and I knew he was a perfect candidate for the type of assistance that Oil Heat Cares provides.”
Many thanks to QHT, FIA, F.W. Webb, Webstone valves, Walter Morris Co., Carlin/Hydrolevel, and Taco, who donated the items needed for the installation. Thank you to George’s son, Nicholas Perrelli, who spent the entire day on the job and who understands how our great association and brotherhood of members can work together.
Thank you also to Ed Ryan Sr., Ed Ryan Jr., and Antonio Vallati from Ryan Oil for donating their services to the installation.
Pictured here alongside the new boiler are L to R: George Perelli of Perelli Fuel, William Casey and his sister, Beth Casey. After the installation, William wrote a letter of thanks to Oil Heat Cares.
“We would like to thank George Perrelli (Perrelli Fuel) and the Oil Heat Cares organization for their extremely generous donation and installation of a much needed new furnace system. It could not have come at a better time.”
May 28, 2017