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Helping Our Neighbors In Need

Oil Heat Cares Helps Another Neighbor in Need

Oil Heat Cares was able to once again assist in providing some relief to a community member in need.

Joan Cain is a widowed grandmother living on a fixed income. She resides in Waterbury, CT, where she raised her children and now grandchildren, who still live with her as she continues to support them.

Earlier this year, Joan reported to OESP Member Dave Sousa of J&A Waterville Oil Service that her boiler would no longer hold water. Dave found a leaking Peerless JOTW which Joan could not afford to replace.

Joan is known to others as being fiercely loyal – both to her family and friends. In fact, she has remained a faithful customer of J&A Waterville Oil Service for more than 50 years.

“Joan is someone we should all be inspired by,” Dave said. “Whenever she asks for help, I am ready, willing, and up to the challenge.”

“Because she uses the boiler only for heat, we had a little bit of time to help her out,” Dave added. “We were able to complete the installation with plenty of time to spare before heating season begins.”

Working with Oil Heat Cares, Dave and his team donated all the labor, electrical wiring, thermostats and other items to complete the project. Thank you to Carlin Hydrolevel for donating the burner and to F. Perelli & Sons for providing the Zone control panel.

>You have all made a terrific difference in the lives of Joan and her family.

September 12, 2017